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Celeste White

Celeste White
Certified  hula hoop/ Yoga Instructor

Stage performer

Personal stylist for grainline clothing

A community leader, Celeste White brings a wealth of experience as an Instructor in both hula hooping and yoga. Her experience delivers a unique teaching that is a combination of both the art of hooping and the discipline of yoga. Celeste is the designer for I love Hoola Hoops custom performance hoops which she uses in both practice and her own captivating, technical stage performances in which she masters multiple hoops.



"I've been teaching for seven years.
My intention is bring you to your highest potential, to inspire you to do things you have never done before!  Sharing with you tools that have helped me through my life experiences. Authentically  we grow together into what we were made to be, to do, to create!"- Celeste

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